Friday, April 01, 2005

Pardon My Absence

I've been holding out for wireless internet in the hopes of avoiding the 5 dollar an hour charges they like to give us for internet usage. Somehow in the middle of all this one of the soldiers here talked to a local and bought an internet Satellite which he's hooking up. I'm just out of range of this device, so he's buying a signal booster so it reaches where we are.

Don't let the internet access fool you though, we're still in a gravel pit, living out of tents... albeit it's hard to deny some of the luxuries we have here. Someone was saying how veterans of other wars would mock us for everything we have and I'd say without a doubt it's probably justified. Still, that's no reason not to use what we have as anyone in our place would certainly jump on the oportunity as well, no matter what time period they lived in. So pardon me while I take a sip of my premium bottled water, turn on the cable TV and hop in the Jacuzzi for a moment. (Please note my sarcasm, there is indeed no premium bottled water here... and the Jacuzzi's bubbles are mild at best.)

Work has been slow lately. Most every week there's a car accident, usually involving foreign truck drivers who barrel around at incredible speeds. I've seen some pretty mangled vehicles, which luckily for the occupants shielded them from being seriously injured. The heat has been picking up lately, we can finally stop wearing warm clothing when we go on shift at night. The oceon breeze keeps the place relatively cool, but I hear the worst is yet to come. I'll get a better feel for it when I switch to the day shift later next month.

For now here's a couple of photos. Oh and I hope everyone at home had a good Easter holiday. Somehow I've managed to miss the family gathering for years, but I should be able to make the next one!

*Note: I've switched over to a Flickr account for my photos. All new photos will be placed here:

Images moved to flickr.


At Fri Apr 01, 08:57:00 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim! So good to hear from you! Glad you're doing well. Nothing too exciting going on on my end. Theme Housing has been a big hit so I am VERY excited about that! Stay stafe and talk with you again soon.


At Fri Apr 01, 12:43:00 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jimmer,

Glad to hear from you! You’re looking handsome as ever! We had a wonderful Easter with everyone that could make it this year. I promise to make a bigger and better one for you next year and maybe everyone can make it. We of course thought of you and we took a family mug shot for you. I believe your mom and dad are sending out to you. Take care and know that there is not a day that passes by that your not thought of and prayed for. I love you cuz. A big hug and kiss to ya, Jules

At Sat Apr 02, 11:06:00 AM EST, Blogger Dan-O-Mite said...

I don't know if I like the effect these Hawaiians are having on you. My mother always said, "Danny, never trust a texan or hawaiian." Well the texan part is true anyway. Bad news on the Bader front, Kendall's car has a broken timing belt, which Ive been working on all week leaving us essentially car less. Not one week after I sold my car, BAM! Kendall calls. No worries though, we're getting by with a little help from our friends.
I was just thinking I hadn't written in awhile, and then I read your post saying the same thing. Hope everything is going well.

At Sat Apr 02, 02:12:00 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice seeing ya in another photo! Nothing much going on down in Florida (besides Terri Schiavo's death which if you haven't heard has been on the news non stop for over a week 24 hours a day seven days a it's the Pope's turn...). My cousin is down from NYC and I hung out with him last night with some other cousins. It was nice to see him and I'm heading to NYC in a month which I'm very excited about. Other than that, I got off my lazy ass and actually walked three miles this morning. I hope to be at the beach tomorrow if the weather improves. It's been raining most of this afternoon. Well, that's about it. It was great seeing you last week on webcam and I hope to see you again real soon!!!! I can't believe the government charges you all 5 bucks an hour for internet service!!! Unbelievable!
Much Luv, Tracy :) P.s. I was sick as a dog this week and didn't get to send out your package. It will get out soon!

At Sun Apr 10, 08:47:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you got the package. I was not really sure what to send. I am sure that even if I did not write my name on the inside, you could guess it was me! Glad that you are doing OK. Be safe!

At Mon Apr 11, 09:07:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey mij, you lookin sexy in the camo flipin the sign. I hope you and the guys are having fun in the jacuzzi, Its almost your birthday, and I was just thinking about the basketball tournament we had at your grandparents house, followed by the baseball game. I'm glad to see that your doing great, and your writing is very interesting and provacative. well I miss ya bro, and cant wait to see ya, till then, drink one for me,
ttyl, Adam L

At Wed Apr 13, 07:25:00 PM EDT, Blogger Adam said...

Hey man. It was great talking to you online the other day. Glad to hear everything's going well. I just wanted to let you know that I finally put my crappy package in the mail today. The lady at the post office told me that with APO addresses, they "get there when they get there." I have no idea what the time frame will be, but it's on its way. Take care, and keep on truckin.

Adam S

At Thu Apr 14, 03:51:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jim,
Was just thinking about you so I thought I'd drop you a line. Haven't seen you online in a few days. I am leaving on my 9 hour trek to Wales tomorrow. I'll be there for a whole week so it should be fun. It is perfect timing because the boiler in the house broke 3 days ago and no one seems to care to fix it so it has been freezing cold in the house with little hot water. On top of that they moved the nosiest of all the calves to right outside my window so I have to listen to them all night while freezing. It is always an adventure around here! I think my stories on this flippin farm could rival your stories on the coal mine :-) Glad everything is still going well. You are in my prayers daily.

At Fri Apr 22, 01:54:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jimmer, I was just checking your site out. I only get to once in a while due to no computer at home. But I'm glad to hear everything is going good and can't wait to see you. Tiffany

At Fri Apr 22, 03:00:00 PM EDT, Blogger G4þRI€L said...

Search a spanish traductor please...

Quiero que sepas que aborrezco y detesto todas y cada una de las intromisiones de los Estados Unidos en la vida de paises ajenos.
Se que esto no cambiará nada; de hecho tu presidente fue reelecto y hasta la mismisima grey católica tiene un Papa con pasado nazi.
Pero nadie puede acusarme de no decir las cosas.
Te mando un abrazo y te deseo mucha suerte.

At Sat Apr 23, 07:06:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey little nephew,

It's your favorite auntie. You know who I mean. I am glad to see you looking soooo fine. Kelsey and Zack are here with me. They enjoy looking at your site and reading your comments. Easter was great as usual. We look forward to seeing you at the next one. We had a great week off this past week the weather was great. I got 4 rounds of golf in. What could be better than that? Kelsey will be starting softball shortly. She is the catcher. Her and Kayla will be on the same team. Zack isn't playing any summer sports this year. But he will be trying out for modified soccer in the fall. I can't believe my babies are in high school. It seems like only yesterday you were in high school and I was burning you with the coffee spoon. I will never forget that. Well, gotta run. Our thoughts and prayers are with you always. Take care and we look forward to playing some hold'em when you get home.

Lots of love


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