Monday, January 24, 2005

Renegade Training Complete

Tonight we finished off the final part of our two week training schedule. I haven't posted about much of the training lately since it's mirrored much of what was done when I was at Fort Jackson.

Today was a bit different as we were practicing convoy operations using live ammunition. The first part was a familiarization with firing live ammo from a moving vehicle. The second part consisted of driving through and actual course with targets popping up and mock explosive devices going off. During one of these runs a humvee with a pair of medics actually flipped over. A blackhawk helicopoter was flown in and medevaced one of them. Thankfully both weren't seriously injured but they were badly banged up. This shut down the range for hours and the day ended up being over 12 hours long.

The time spent waiting wasn't as bad as it sounds as we were in an incredible spot with mountains surrounding us and clear sunny weather for most of the day. I even saw my first tumbleweed which wobbled in and out of the landscape. It ended with an amazing sunset and some fierce rain showers.

We're set to head out to Kuwait later this week. For now it's time for a bit of celebration before we leave.


At Tue Jan 25, 11:03:00 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Vern, Sorry it took so long to chat, Kev just found your e-mail. All is well with the baby. I am now 14 weeks along. We had a docotrs appointment on thursday the 20th and he scheduled a sonogram for the 24th of February to find out what it is, can't wait.
Take care and be safe!!! You are in our prayers, we love you.


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