Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Fort Bliss Arrival

I blame it on my own ignorance but I was totally unaware of what El Paso would be like. Inbetween dosing off on the plane I peered out the window and was greeted by a desert and lines of mountains. It reminded me a lot of my trip to Tucson over 6 years ago.

After jumping off the plane and chatting with a group of Red Cross workers fresh from Kuwait I stepped into the open air to a perfect evening. This was a nice change from Missouri, and I was excited for a bit of warmer weather. The night was deceiving though, as the last two days have been cold, and the wind bitter and sharp. It dips down to nearly 30 at night and hasn't pushed must past 50 during the day but the incredible view makes up for it.

Our accomadations haven't helped things along either. Last night the heater broke in our gigantic tent, sending chills through my toes up to my nose. Taking a shower when it's 55 inside and there is an incredible draft has gotten me sick for the third time on my trip. We're all a bit frustrated but overall I'm happier here than in Missouri.

The tent I mentioned may need explaining too. It's more like living in a gymnasium, with the hard floors and high ceiling. I'd estimate there are four of these tents with over 200 bunk beds. I'm going to pick up a camera so pictures should follow soon.

As of right now we've been told we'll get leave from the 20th of December until the 2nd of January. I should know later this week on how final it is when the paperwork goes through, but it sounded like a sure thing. It's common for plans to change in the Army though.

I'm off for some chow, mmm army food.


At Tue Dec 14, 10:14:00 PM EST, Blogger Jim Tourville said...

Ah you're right it sort of was like the ice storm. I suppose I should be thankful I even have running water and warm food. Needless to say I'll be happy if I can get a few nights in my own bed and a hot shower or two. I'll definatly stop by when I'm home, hope things are going well with you!

At Wed Dec 15, 12:12:00 AM EST, Blogger Dan-O-Mite said...

Wrote to the PR today about that column we talked about. Hope to hear about it tomorrow. Don't think it'll fly, but it's worth it to ask. K is almost done with P'dam, none too soon. She took my car sideways and across the road via some black ice and tore up the door. Insurance covered it, 1500 bucks. She was ok, thankfully. Looking forward to seeing you when you get home. Maybe we can do Ampersand with Ashley. After all that PT it'll be no sweat I'm sure.

At Sat Dec 18, 11:06:00 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jim,
Great to hear you'll (likely) be home for the holidays. It's been VERY cold in the North Country so I'll bring my skates, just in case a game breaks out. Christy and I will be up there for the entire week between X-mas and the new year. See you then.



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