It's been a quiet month here, but it's not going to last as I've received word we may move from this base to another one in Kuwait sometime soon. They've already begun gutting the store here and I can imagine other facilities are soon to follow. There are rumors that we may stay but it's hard to tell as rumors are abundant about most subjects here.
In any event I suppose the move could be good to mix things up a bit but in all honesty I hope we end up staying here. More news to follow, but for now here are a few pictures of the recent sandstorm that rolled through. Each shot is accompanied by another taken at the exact same time of day.
*Note: I've switched over to a Flickr account for my photos. All new photos will be placed here:
Standing next to the 10th Mounain Division's mural. Most of the 10th Mountain Division is located in upstate New York at Fort Drum.

The morning shift takes over.

The tents we call home, white oil tanks in view in the non sandstorm picture.

Riding around in the morning heat.

Hi Jim
Glad you are writing again. What was it like to go through this sandstorm. The pics seem pretty amazing. Can you email me your email address again. I want to send you some pics from NYC. My email address is
I hope you are doing well. Please let me know if I can send you anything ie: chapstick, something to cover your face in these sandstorms, etc. It looks like a different planet over there. I'm assuming you must miss seeing trees and everything else. Drop me an email when you can
Hi, Sarah thanks for writing. There are tons of murals painted on these barriers around the entire camp. Most every unit that spends a good amount of time paints them at whatever base they're at. This is the case at every base I've been to in Kuwait, but I'd imagine it's being done in Iraq too.
The 10th mountain division is huge, and it looks like it was a transportation company that was assigned here. They move most of the equipement around this place and I believe get the vehicles ready for deployment to Iraq and Kuwait.
Most of our Brigade is assigned to Iraq with a couple companies, including ours, that ere assigned to Kuwait. I think this is usually how it's done, with brigades assigning company all over the both countries.
Glad to hear your son is near the end of his deployment, I hope he has a safe trip home.
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