Friday, October 21, 2005

Simmering in Gravel

OK, I lied it's not exactly a simmer sitting in this gravel pit anymore. It's 76 degrees here at 8pm but the humidity is at 20% which makes this feel more like 55 degrees out here. (That's nothing scientific mind you, I'm usually oblivous to such things.) During the day it still manages to hit 100 degrees but it's also noticably milder.

When I was home I noticed some sort of cut in my mouth that was getting progressively worse. Sitting in the Atlanta airport flickering the cut with my tongue I noticed that this was actually a tooth poking through. Wisdom teeth, (or tooth) what impeccable timing you have! The side of my face feels puffy but I think the tooth is going to make an appearance without nudging my other teeth. Welcome to Kuwait you nosy molar, now be good as I don't trust these Army dentists.

Slowly I've been sliding into things again, I'll be continuing my shift tomorrow morning. This flight back knocked me down more than any other in memory. I've slept away the better part of two days after already sleeping away nearly the entire flight back.

During the few hours I've been awake I've received some great news on our final departure time. I apologize for the mixing of information, I'm sure this is getting confusing for everyone but bear with me. In mid November we should be nearing our turnover to the incoming soldiers. By December 1st I should be on my way to Hawaii where I'll be demobolizing for about 10 days. Assuming this info stays solidified it's really a best of all possible situation for me. Not only do I leave early but I also get to finish the deployment in Hawaii and avoid my original concern of being there for over three months as was originally thought. I know what your thinking, how could I complain about three months in Hawaii, but 10 will do me just fine and put me home in time for the holidays and to continue college as I'd hoped. Keep in mind this is still totally tentative in typical Army fashion.

There really isn't that much time left, three weeks of work and then the usual hurry up and wait until the end of November. It comes down to staying safe and not going nutty in this place, which unfortunatly is already becoming tough for some of the guys here. Yesterday one of the guys on our shift pulled his pistol on another person and charged a round into the chamber. Luckily he chose not to fire. Supposedly they were having an arguement and he was a bit over the edge, but that doesn't excuse pulling a pistol on your own shiftmate. Wacky stuff, I plan on minding my own business until I get out of here.


At Wed Nov 02, 01:05:00 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hawaii!!!! NICE!!!!! I know you want to go home...but enjoy the time there!!!!!
Hope you get home when you are supposed to!


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