We should be moving within the week so it would be good if everyone held off from mailing until I get my new address. I'll post it here as soon as I get it.
It's odd but my time here is becoming a blur and I'd attribute that to the monotony of our work and daily activities. It's not that it's going by fast or slow, but instead simply a carbon copy of the day before. Many people joke that it's not unlike the movie
Groundhog Day which sadly holds a bit of truth minus the driving rodent and toaster electrocutions of course. The move should change things a bit, and from what I've seen and heard our new base looks pretty comfortable for an army base in Kuwait.
A few people have asked if the events in London have had an effect on us here. For the most part we've had an increase in security but things still seem the same. From what little news I saw here it looked like the Londoners were pretty shaken but undettered by what happened. Admittedly this may just be the medias spin on it since I get a narrow slice of television footage here.
Photo UpdateI've posted 4 new pictures in the photo section.