Training Day 1 - SINCGARS and Urban Ops.
Today we finally started our actual training. It frustrates me that we had to wait so long. From what I've heard only around 20% of IRR soldiers are showing up which in turn screws over the people who are here because they have to wait for a big enough group to start training. I honestly hope those people without legitimate excuses are punished accordingly.
Our training consisted of Radio Operations (SINCGARS) first. A quick overview of how the system works and how to use call signs and we were pretty much done.
After that we had a hands on class for Urban Operations. They gave an overview on how to cross terrain in an urban environment and then we practiced clearing rooms in a field with tape on the ground to designate hallways, walls and doors. It all culminated with everyone in four man/woman teams actually clearing rooms in a real building.
The four man teams were all lead by the lowest ranking soldier in the groups. I was with three other guys who were all two ranks above me (Two of which had been in the gulf war.) so I was designated team leader. The team leader goes in first and basically directs everyone where to go and decides how and when you go around corners and into doors. It looked a lot like this, except we had on kevlar helmets and there were only four of us in a team: (click on the image to enlarge.)

The real building we breached also was filled with opposing forces played by the instructors themselves. It was thrilling and unnerving all at the same time. People were flying out from behind desks, crouching behind rows of chairs and sneaking around behind us as certain points. Some groups even had dummy grenades thrown at them.
It all ended with a room that appeared to be large but when I swung open the door there was an unarmed "civilian" in a tiny closet who screamed at the top of her lungs and gave us all a shock. I now have a strong appreciation for the fortitude and tenacity it must take to do this for real. Overall I think my group did well but I hope the situation wont arise where we'll need to do this.
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