Sunday, November 14, 2004

Sometimes the littlest things...

... can help make a big difference.

A card I received had this scrawled on it and it resonated with me. So many things big and small have helped me this week. I want to thank my Aunt Lori and Uncle Allen for hosting the family get together this weekend, fitting that many people into one spot is no easy task! Whether everyone knows it or not I want to impart how much I appreciate every hug, kiss, handshake, gift and word of encouragement I've received. Now more than ever I understand the advantage of having great family and friends, and I hope I can return the favor to all of you someday.

PS For those of you who couldn't attend the 2nd installment of Saturday evening, let it be known that you missed a rousing dance duel between a certain relative and a jittery amazon that would put a professionally choreographed dance program to shame. This will forever be seared into my mind.


At Mon Nov 15, 09:21:00 AM EST, Blogger Namaste Librarian said...

Our family rocks. :)


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